Mesh allows users to save customized views on the Card Transactions page. These views include selected columns, their order, and applied filters at the time of saving.
To save a view:
1. Log into the Mesh platform and navigate to 'Card Transactions' (or 'Transactions' if logged in as a power users - e.g., an Administrator).
2. Click Saved Table Views, then '+Save Current' View.
3. Name the view and click the checkmark button.
To customize columns:
1. Click 'Manage Columns', uncheck columns you don't want to display, and rearrange columns by dragging them up or down.
2. Click 'Done' to save your changes or 'Restore default' to reset all columns.
To exit a saved view, click the X next to its name.
You can save additional views by repeating these steps, including applying filters to refine transactions and saving filtered views. If you save multiple views you can use the search utility to identify a relevant view.
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