The card owner is aware of the fact that transactions are subject to an approval process because the card's details displays this information.
Your 'Card Transactions' page includes a column named 'Review Status' where you'll be notified of the review process. You can use the filter 'Review Status' to trace transactions.
Transactions that did not enter yet the approval flow are marked as 'Incomplete' and are awaiting your intervention. Card owner need to add a Spend Category, a memo and a receipt for the transaction to enter the approval flow.
When the card owner submitted all the relevant details the transactions will enter the approval and the same filter can be used for tracking (e.g., status 'In Review').
The card owner can also use the 'Next approver' column to check the current approval step.
When clicking the transaction, its status will be displayed along side relevant flags and the user can expand the 'Approval flow' section to check the progress of this request.
- This feature is under testing and we will update its GA availability.
- If a transaction is declined the card owner will receive a notification.
- The company may take corrective actions to help educate the card owner to comply with the spend policies.
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