The TMC Reconciliation Report details the booking methods and the source of quotes from the Travel Management Company (TMC). It is accessible to key users, such as Power Users (e.g., Mesh Admins) and those with an Employee Profile and Travel Manager permissions. This report helps users gain better insights into travel-related financial activities and facilitates accurate reconciliation.
To generate the report, navigate to the Trips page, use the filter to locate relevant trips, click the download icon, and then click the 'TMC Reconciliation report'.
The report includes the following fields:
1. Company name
2. Trip name
3. Trip ID
4. Traveler name
5. Trip status (planned, in progress, ended, canceled, closed)
6. Destination
7. Start date (date format)
8. End date (date format)
9. Quote type/subtype - i.e. agent fee, cancelation fee, flights, hotel, etc.
10. Payment method (CC, TMC, and so onβ¦)
11. Booking method (online/offline)
12. Quoteβs amount in origin currency
13. Quote currency
14. Balance amount
15. Balance currency
16. Quote status
17. Agent email
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