A Travel Policy is a set of guidelines that outline the responsibilities and procedures related to travel expenses. The policy details how employees should obtain approval, make bookings, and claim expenses for purchases related to trips they take on behalf of the company. This policy helps ensure that travel expenses are managed effectively and follow company regulations.
Your Travel Manager and/or Finance personnel can use the Travel Policy editor to create relevant expense policies within the Travel module of the Mesh Platform.
Travel Policy [For illustrative purposes ONLY!]
- This travel policy is established to provide guidelines for employees traveling on behalf of the company and to ensure responsible handling of travel-related expenses.
Approved Expenses:
- The company pays for the followings : airfare, accommodation, ground transportation, meals, and other necessary business-related expenses.
- All receipts for expenses exceeding $25 must be provided.
Booking Procedures:
- All travel arrangements must be made through the company's approved travel agency.
- Employees should book economy class flights and obtain approval for any upgrades.
- Domestic flights that cost above $750 USD require a pre approval from your direct manager.
- International flights that cost above $2,000 USD require a pre approval from your direct manager.
- Accommodation bookings should comply with the company's preferred hotel partners.
- Domestic : $250 USD per night
- International: $400 USD per night
- Rental cars should be booked through approved vendors. $65 USD per day for a medium sized car.
- Transportation: Up to $75 USD per day and not more than $750 per trip.
- Communication: up to $25 USD per day and not more than $200 USD per trip.
- Business Meetings (aka Client entertainments): Up to $1,500 USD per trip for Sales, Marketing and Customer Success teams. This expense require a pre approval from your direct manager.
- Out of pocket expenses: up to $20 per day and not more than $100 per trip.
Approval Process:
- Employees must obtain prior approval for any travel expenses from their respective department heads or managers.
- The approval process should be completed before booking any travel arrangements.
Compliance and Policy Violation:
- Non-compliance with this travel policy may result in the employee being personally responsible for any expenses incurred.
- Any violations of the policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions.
Additional Information:
- This policy is subject to periodic review and updates by the company's management.
- Employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this policy and address any questions to the HR or finance department.
- Travel Policies can vary significantly between companies, incorporating specific details and legal language based on the organization's needs, industry regulations, and travel requirements.
- Mesh does not create or define your travel policy. Instead, it uses your existing policy as input to help reinforce and support it.
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