A webhook is a mechanism that allows a platform to receive real-time notifications from another platform. Customers can use the notifications sent from the Mesh platform to facilitate automation.
Follow the steps below to set up the Mesh Webhooks integration:
1. Log into the Mesh platform as an Admin, Pro, or Employee with Tech Admin permissions.
2. Navigate to the Company Settings page.
3. Scroll down to the Integrations section and click on the Go to Integrations Portal button.
4. Click on the Go to Integrations Store + button, Scroll to the Other section at the bottom, and click on the + Connect link.
5. Enable the integration, type the Webhook URL, select the events that you wish to send, and click on the Update button.
6. Customers can revisit the Integrations page if they need to change anything for the mentioned webhooks integration.
If the webhooks integration is enabled it will send a payload to the URL when certain events happen. For example, when a card charge, i.e., a transaction, happens.
There are various tools to test the payload of a webhook - This is one of them.
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