Organization Dashboard
Mesh has introduced a new dashboard that provides authorized users with a 360-degree view of their entire organization. The consolidated dashboard showcases a range of interactive widgets, allowing users to transform insights into actionable steps.
The dashboard offers six fixed widgets. Some widgets present information while others offer clickable links to the relevant entity.
The top part of the dashboard includes the following data:
- The number of companies that the dashboard user is connected to.
- This month's spend includes both pending and completed transactions.
- This month's spend forecast includes the remaining, unused, approved funds of the active cards created. The amount excludes Annual and lifetime charges.
- The accumulated cashback distributed to the organization (i.e., across all companies) since inception.
The left section of the dashboard displays the available balance per company with relevant messages (e.g., pending deposits). The links are clickable and take the user to the relevant balance page of each company.
The middle section displays the spending trend, presenting data for the current month, the previous month, and the month before that. The widget ensures uniformity by using the same currency (i.e., USD) for all companies being compared, and it includes a tooltip for additional information.
In the next widget, underneath Monthly Spend, the dashboard presents the company's Month-end state (i.e., how far it is from 'closing the month'). The user can control the period presented and toggle between the current and the previous month. Until the 10th of each month, the widget presents data from the previous month and after the 11th, the widget switches to the current month.
If a company is integrated into an ERP, the chart presents the following information: the number of transactions that have been synced to the ERP, the number of transactions marked as ready for review, and the number of transactions that do not have receipts (i.e., the ones that require receipts but have not yet had the receipts attached).
Note: If a company is not connected to an ERP, the widget will omit the sync details.
The right section of the dashboard displays the active travelers, referring to individuals who have been issued travel budgets and currently have an in-progress travel status. The widget includes a tooltip for additional information and the links are clickable.
In the next widget, underneath Active travels, there is a section that showcases 'open' tasks, featuring tabs for budget/card requests, reimbursements to be processed, and on/off-boarding of employees. Those links are clickable and each takes the user to the relevant company where the call-to-action can be completed.
If the dashboard user does not need to take any action, a relevant message is presented.
If a module such as Travel, Reimbursement, or HRIS is not deployed, the dashboard user will receive a promotional banner, such as the ones depicted below, with a link to contact the Mesh Support team.
- Users with Admin and Pro profiles, who have access to at least two companies registered under the same organization, will be able to launch the organization dashboard, provided that it is enabled in the Multi-Admin application.
- Admin and Pro profiles will be able to see only the company they can access. For example, an org may have 8 companies, but if a user has an Admin/Pro profile in 3 out of 8, the dashboard will only present information on 3 companies.
- As of 9/18/23, Auditors can access this dashboard too!
- The dashboard arranges the companies in descending order, starting with the ones that have spent the most and ending with the ones that have spent the least
- The Mesh mobile application supports the org. dashboard and presents each widget on a separate page.
- As of Nov 1st, 2023, the spending presented in the dashboard has been modified to support spend of different currencies and alignment of it to USD, as a unified currency within the organization.
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