Please follow the steps below to deactivate a user:
1. Log into the platform as an Admin or a user that has permission to create other users.
2. Navigate to the Employees page.
3. Click on the 3-dots icon next to a verified user.
4. click on the Deactivate link.
5. If card(s) were assigned to the user that you are about to deactivate, you can:
a. Assign the card(s) to another employee. To do that select a name from the dropdown list and click on the Deactivate and Reassign cards button.
Note: The default assignee is the Admin/Pro who tries to deactivate that user.
b. Edit the card's limitations.
c. Suspend the card.
d. Cancel the card.
If you selected to suspend or cancel the card, you will need to confirm your selection on the next page and finish the offboarding process by clicking on the Deactivate Employee button.
6. Deactivated users can be reactivated. Search for the deactivated user(s) using the filters, click on the 3 dots icon, and then on the Reactivate link. Do not forget to generate new cards/budgets for this user.
Note: Similar to adding users to the platform, an admin can deactivate all user profiles, while a pro can only deactivate users with an employee profile.
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