An Approver is a platform user designated by an Admin to participate in the approval workflow.
The Mesh platform notifies users of their required participation by displaying a numbered bubble on the 'Pending my approval' menu.
To take action, as an approver, expand the 'Pending my approval' menu, click the 'Budgets', 'Trips', or 'Expenses', click a request, and apply one of the following actions:
- Approve a request, which then moves to the next approval entity in the workflow.
- Decline a request, which requires the manager to provide a reason for the denial.
- Reassign a request to another user.
- Most pages under 'Pending My Approval' include search and filter capabilities to ease the approver's tasks.
- Trip approvers with an 'Employee' profile (i.e., not strong users) can view the trip's assigned budgets but can not change them.
- It is common practice to assign a direct or department manager as the Approving Manager early in the process.
- Expenses may include the Trip # to help relate the expenses to a trip.
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