Follow the steps below to upload your Mesh virtual card to a digital wallet:
First, retrieve the details of your Mesh virtual card. Log into the Mesh platform, navigate to the 'Cards & Budegts' page, select a card, and reveal the card's information by clicking the 'eye' icon and entering an MFA code.
Second, upload the details of your Mesh virtual card to your favorite digital wallet using the instructions provided by the wallet provider.
Click on one of the following links for additional instructions:
- If the wallet sends a verification email, follow the instructions to complete the process. It takes a few minutes for this email to arrive and sometimes, users, have filters in their inboxes, and as a result, emails get sent to other folders or, worst, to junk/spam or trash.
- If you have challenges adding a card to your mobile device, please try to disconnect from the WiFi network that you are on and repeat the activation steps.
- To remove a card from the wallet follow the instructions provided by the wallet provider. For example, click here to learn how to remove a card from the Apple wallet.
- When using a digital wallet to pay for a product/service, the receipt generated for the transaction does not show the ID of the card used (i.e., the virtual card uploaded to the wallet). The receipt presents the 'Device Account Number' instead to protect the customer and keep the account information safe. To access the 'Device Account Number', follow the instructions provided by the wallet provider.
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