Power users (i.e., users with Administrator or Pro profiles) can assign any platform user to be a Travel Manager. A person assigned to this role will have permission to manage policies, create trips, view/edit trips, and view travel-related expenses.
To assign an Employee as a Travel Manager role log into the Mesh application, navigate to the Employees page, click on the 3-dots next to a user, and select the Assign Travel Manager option.
A Travel Manager label will appear in the Access Permissions column on the Employees page.
The privileges of a Travel Manager will also appear under the Permission section if that employee was selected.
A new option to filter by Travel Managers was added to the Employee page. If the 'Show Travel Managers' filter is selected, the Employees page will show the current users assigned as Travel Managers.
To remove the Travel Manager permissions navigate to the Employees page, click on the 3 dots next to a user assigned as a Travel Manager, and click on the βUnassign Travel Managerβ option.
The names of the current Travel Managers appear under the Travel section in the Company Settings.
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